Hello, my name is


From concept to launch, delivering innovative solutions with precision and efficiency.

Recent posts

In my blog posts you will find information about my personal projects and experiences, as well as my toolset and development environment. I may also share insights and reflections on other areas of interest in the future.

Technology Stack

As a full stack developer, my role is to build, test and deploy web applications from start to finish. I work on both front-end and back-end aspects of the application. I handle the deployment and maintenance of the application, making sure it runs smoothly and efficiently. I also communicate with clients to understandtheir requirements, and provide solutions and support throughout the development process. I am also familiar with DevOps methodologies to ensure efficient and robust application delivery.



As a Fullstack Web and DevOps developer, I have experience working with a variety of technologies, but most commonly using the React ecosystem. Some of my past projects include building and maintaining web applications using React with Typescript, as well as implementing continuous integration and deployment pipeline using technologies like Docker, Serverless and AWS Services. I have experience in different project methodologies such as Agile, and have a strong understanding of software development best practices, including version control systems and testing. Additionally, I am experienced in optimizing and scaling web applications to handle different amounts of traffic and data.

CT3T Background

CT3T - Modern Web Stack

The CT3T Stack is a newer version of T3 that includes additional tools and solutions used in everyday web and mobile development. Without being exhaustive, the best features of the T3 stack can be summarized by its focus on type-safety, i.e. strictly typed code and end-to-end security. All points of the project use Typescript and communication with the backend is done using tRPC instead of REST. This ensures that we don't have to redefine the backend type interfaces on the client side, instead the client uses Typescript magic to infer types from backend procedures.

Forródrót Preview


I developed "Forródrót" - a web application that collects and organizes strikes and disobedience events within the education sector of Hungary. Built using Next.js with server-side rendering, the project utilizes TypeScript and a Postgres database with Prisma as the ORM. The project integrates with Google Sheets, and uses Material-UI as the design library. React-query and NextAuth were also implemented to handle state management and user authentication for the authors. The goal was to provide a centralized location for the public to stay informed about the issues facing the education system, and support the teachers and other education staff.

KFG Substitutions Preview

KFG Substitutions

I developed a web application for a local high school to replace their outdated substitution table system with a new, more user-friendly and easily administered version. Utilizing Next.js for server-side rendering, the project was built with TypeScript and incorporated AWS DynamoDB as the database, with Vercel as the deployment platform and CI system. The design was implemented with Mantine as the UI framework. The goal of the project was to improve the design and control of the substitution table system for the school's administration and staff.

About me


Hi, my name is Gergő Sárffy and I am a full-stack web developer with several years of experience from Hungary. I specialize in building complex web applications from ideas to production-ready solutions. I have a passion for writing clean, readable, and well-documented code. I also have a wealth of experience in the React ecosystem and related packages and frameworks. I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow as a developer and deliver top-notch results for my clients. My goal is to build a career as a lead developer in an innovative and forward-thinking company.

Picture of the author

Contact me

I am always open to new opportunities and eager to take on new challenges. I am constantly seeking to expand my skill set and grow as a developer. I am confident in my abilities and believe that I can bring value to any project or team. If you are a recruiter or hiring manager looking for a talented and dedicated developer, please feel free to contact me to discuss any potential opportunities. I am open to hearing about any exciting projects or roles that align with my skills and experience.